A Little Mind, Body and Soul

Taking a holistic approach to your health care means to create a balance in your personal life, family relationships, community activities, and work environment. Finding "wholeness" through acknowledging, honoring, and healing all your individual parts; Mind, Body, Emotion, and Spirit, is the ultimate goal. To take the first step, we need to become knowledgable about the various methods used to gain this balance. We must understand the basics before we can decide what we are willing to try, and what may work best for our needs. To that end, I have been researching and listing some of the many types of treatments available today. For the more physical and massage type of treatments, please see the following post; http://uniquegardenessences.blogspot.com/2009/02/whats-that-touch.html

Today's posted treatments may have physical components, but they [also] strongly impact the mind and/or the spirit. Since holistic seeks balance of the mind, body and spirit, most treatments are multifaceted. No matter what treatment you are looking at though,
I strongly encourage you to be knowledgeable about the method and to be bold and adventuresome. Don't be afraid to try something new! You never know when the new thing will become your favorite thing!

Aromatherapy is the at of using aromatic essences [essential oils] derived from flowers, leaves, roots, shrubs, woods and fruits for healing. The aromas of essential oils are beneficial for many ailments, and the oils themselves are used for various treatments, including total body massage, inhalation therapy and even baths. Interestingly, during the time of the plague [in Europe], people who worked closely with essential oils (pharmacists or priests for example) seemed to be spared from contracting the disease. Since that time, essential oils have been recognized to alleviate, and used to treat, a wide variety of ailments. The term "aromatherapy" was first coined by the French in the 1930's.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of traditional folk medicine that combines nutrition, essential oils, massage, and meditation to restore the body to its perfect balance.

Each Bach Flower essence used today was intuitively derived by Edward Bach, a homeopathic physician in the early 20th century, who felt that certain flowers had energetic and associated virtues. These remedies are made with very small amounts of flower material which are mixed in a 50:50 solution of water and brandy, and used to alter mental conditions. These remedies can be added to food or water, used in a topical application or made into a mist. There are 38 Bach Flower remedies, each corresponding to specific emotional states. If more than one remedy is needed, you can combine up to four of them.

Balneotherapy refers to water-based treatments such as those using thermal hot springs, mineral water or seaweed which helps digestion and relieves gastric discomfort.

Chi Kung is a Chinese exercise focusing on breathing and body movements to reharg and energize the body.

Guided Imagery uses visualiztion to stimulate the body's immune system.

Hakomi Method is a body based psychotherapy which uses a special state of consciousness to help probe non-verbal levels. Body-mind awareness and touch are used to explore the body as a deep source of information.

Hellerwork is a system of deep-tissue body work, stress reduction and movement re-education, developed by Joseph Heller.

Hypnotherapy engenders a state of physical and mental relaxation ,which is then applied to psychological issues.

Kneipp System is a system of treatments that combine hydrotherapy with herbal preperations and a diet of natural foods, which was named after Father Sebastian Kneipp.

Neuromuscular therapy is a technique that works on the combination of relief from soft tissue pain and dysfunction. The focus of the work is to find the origin of pain and to address it. Neuromuscular therapy is intended to renew structual homeeostasis by restoring normal physiological functioning among muscles , nerves and the musculosceletal system. It is very effective in breaking chronic pain cycles.

Panchakarma is a system, or way of life that focuses on meditation, diet, cleansing, and purifying treatments to achieve internal balance, as well as balance with one's surroundings.

Pilates Method was developed in the 1920's by the German, Dr. Joseph Pilates. It is a body conditioning system that focuses on improving flexibility and body strength, without incresing bulk.

Stress management is a program of meditation and deep relaxation that is intended to reduce the effects of stress on the body systems.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan is an ancient Chinese martial art form of styalized, meditative exercise. It is characterized by slow, methodical, circular and stretching movements and positions of bodily balance.

Yoga is a disciplin of stretching and toning the body through movements, breathing exercises, postures, relaxation techniques, and diet. It is practiced to achieve control of the body and the mind.

Zero Balancing was created by Dr. Fritz Smith (an Md.). It focuses on guiding the body to find its own equilibrium by balancing the body energy and body structure.

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