Teaching Tuesday-Completing Your Hair Care Regimen

As previously discussed, there are four steps to great hair care. So far we have discussed, and seen recipes for the pre-shampoo conditioning and the shampoo phase. So that leaves us today with rinses and conditioners. 

As with every other aspect of our health, there are things that we should do, and things that we avoid, in order to ensure the best possible outcome. When it comes down to it, our hair is really a reflection of our over all bodily health. Healthy insides will show in your hair, and your general health and nutrition status will reflect in your hair as well. Eating well, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting enough sleep and exercise should be in the top spots of your "things to do for great looking hair" list. Then, avoiding alcohol, tobacco and over-exposure to harsh elements should be in the next few spots. After those spots are full, all you need to do is to follow a good hair care regimen, utilizing good hair care products. Of course you may be surprised to know that most commercial shampoos and conditioners do NOT fall into the "good for you" category, because they have harsh chemicals and detergents, which tend to dry out and damage your hair. Making your own hair treatments is easy, and the best way to ensure that your hair gets the best, most healthy ingredients.  
Step three in the perfect hair care regimen is the after shampoo rinse. This rinse removes all of the soap and accumulated residue from the hair, while leaving it extra shiny. It is meant to be used each time you wash your hair, so using the right ingredients is key!

This recipe is a basic revitalization rinse. Just take 3 sprigs of dried rosemary and mash it into a jar. Fill the jar with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and cover. Store the jar in cool, dark place for 1 week, making sure to shake the jar vigorously, once every day. After one week, strain it, keep the liquid and throw away the plant material. Put the liquid back into the jar, and store it until you are ready to use it. Just prior to use, dilute 1/3 of a cup of the rosemary liquid in 3 cups of warm/tepid water. Mix well and then use. Rub the solution into your freshly washed, damp hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly, and dry as usual. Just be extra careful, cuz, you wont want this getting into your eyes!

If you have dandruff, use this after shampoo rinse to soothe the scalp.
Just mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 4 cups of water and 1 cup of a thyme infusion. 

*To make the infusion; steep 2 tsp. of dried thyme in hot water, for 5 min., in a cover the pot.

Mix all together, and use about half of the amount, depending upon the length of your hair, as a rinse, after you shampoo. 
In this recipe, the vinegar works as a mild astringent, while the thyme acts as the toner. You should store the left-overs in a dark glass bottle, in a cool, dark place. Use the left-overs within a week.

 Dandruff is a common scalp condition that occurs when the dead skin is shed. It is often referred to as seborrhea, which is an inflammatory skin disease caused by a problem with the sebaceous (oil secreting) glands. It is often 
recommended that you increase your B complex vitamins, along with trying a topical treatment such as this rinse.

Now that you have recipes and directions for proper hair care,  here are a few "hair facts" for you to ponder.

Did you know that hair grows about 1/2 inch per month? But it tends to grow faster in warm weather than in cold, so you may find yourself needing more frequent hair cuts during the summer months.

In the seventeenth century blond was "in" and quite posh. It was a sign of affluence, so the only brunettes to be found were in the working class. But it wasnt just the coloring, it was also the do. It was all about height and adornment. The higher/taller the up-do, the better. In fact, doorway frames had to be heightened to accommodate this trendy safe passage of the ladies and their high hair!    

Remember that hats are sunscreen for the hair!

The scalp is more receptive to treatment when the pores are dilated and the skin is relaxed.

For an all over spa treatment, apply your hair treatment before you get into an essential oil infused bath. That way you can be soaking as your hair is being treated.

Do not overuse gels, mousses, or hairsprays. They can build up, leave heavy residue and irritate the scalp.

Use a wide-toothed comb instead of a hairbrush on your hair, as the brushes bristles tend to damage the hair shafts, causing breakage.

When you rinse your hair, use cool water for the final rinse. This will tighten your scalp pores and leave your hair shinier.

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