What's Happening Wednesday-New Projects

A friend of mine sent me their recipe for a pain balm a while back. I decided to make it for a Christmas gift, but when I got out all the supplies I realized that I had misread an ingredient and didn't have another that I thought I had. Then I began thinking that this may work better, and that might be a good addition, and oh, that would soooo work. Lol I ended up reworking that recipe until it barely even resembled the one I was sent. But then I needed to know if I worked it right out of being the helpful balm that I wanted/needed. So, off for family trials! While my friend's balm was really an oil rub, I made mine stiffer and that was a plus for my tester. I also added an essential oil blend of pain management and anti-inflammatory oils, where my friend left hers unscented (except for the coffee smell of coffee butter). All in all, only two ingredients were the same and they were not used in the proportions of the original recipe, so I was greatly concerned that the integrity of the recipe may be missing. It seems though, at least according to my family test subjects, that the balm works well. In fact, I have already been requested to make more. I still want to send my blend off to m friend so that she can tell me if mine works as well as hers, but for now I am into stage two of my testing, the friend phase. then I will send samples with surveys to customers and, based on all of that, decide if I want to introduce this balm into my line. I have to say though, early guestimates would bet on this being added in the next few months!

Aside from the usual cp soap that I spend most of the Winter and early Spring making, another project currently in the works is liquid soap making. I made some shower gel for a Christmas gift and have now set my mind to making shampoo, liquid soap and shower gels for a regular product line. I even got a nice 7 quart crock pot for Christmas, from my wish list, just for liquid soap making. Currently I have some paste saved from my last batch and am getting ready to make another. I think I am moving out of dabbling and into the realm of a substantial line. I am already considering the various types of additives good for various hair types. So look for these items to be added in the coming months as well!

Another new soap project is whipped soap. This soap has to set, in the business this is called "rotting"  terrible wording I think, but anyway, it needs to set for about 6 months. So what I am making now will be ready this summer. The great thing about whipped soap is that it can be colored and fragranced in small batches as you need/want it. So you make a large batch and then color and scent as you get orders. And, of course the whipped soap is so pretty! I think of it as cool whip for the body! Lol

And finally, the last "What's Happening" thing is another give away from Mountain Rose Herbs! If you can't wait for my post on Friday, go ahead and take a peek now. I don't blame you! But I will be posting all about their cleaning supply ingredients give away this Friday. And hopefully, I will be winning those supplies for myself! I am so excited by this one, that I just may want to loose the hemp milk ingredient give away! Lol

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